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Skincare for men

Afinador de poros hombre

Open pores: how to treat them

Afinador de poros hombre
afinador de poros

Open pores: how to treat them

Discover the best solutions for open pores Pores are nothing more than small openings found in the upper area of ​​the hair follicles of the skin. But sometimes, the pores appear very open, botheri...

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Como mejorar el cutis del hombre

How to improve a man skin

In this article we show you 4 simple steps to follow that are specific to improve the complexion of man.

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Cosmética masculina de farmacia

Pharmacy skincare products for men

However, when men have a skin problem, especially related to shaving, then we do go to the pharmacy to find solutions to rehydrate, soothe and protect the skin from possible irritations that may a...

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Cuidado facial hombre con piel grasa

How to take care of men's oily skin (I)

Mixed skin is a mixture of normal skin and oily skin. Therefore, by presenting some features of oily skin, the facial care type of mixed skin is suitable for the types we discussed in this series ...

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Rutina de cuidado facial para hombre

Holiday facial care routine

If you don't have to go to work today, take the opportunity to dedicate a couple more minutes to your facial care routine. 3 tips to take care of your skin on a holiday The 3 tips are:...

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Quitar bolsas ojos hombre

The importance of using an eye contour

The eye area is the most delicate area of ​​our face and is prone to showing the first signs of aging, especially in men. It is crucial to use an appropriate eye contour to maintain the hydration ...

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Corrector facial y ojeras hombre

What is a facial corrector?

The facial concealer gives a touch of luminosity, it uniforms the tone of your skin, and if you have brightness, it is also ideal to qualify it. The facial concealer is also ideal for those days t...

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Cremas faciales para hombre

About Moisturizers for Men

There are countless cosmetics on the market, even certified natural and organic cosmetics. Most brands claim that their products are neutral, so their moisturizers and other skin care products can...

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Productos cuidado facial hombre

How to choose the best skincare products for men

In a world where men are increasingly aware of the importance of taking care of our skin , choosing the right products is essential. At Homo Naturals, a 100% natural men's cosmetics brand, we offe...

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Diferencias piel del hombre y piel mujer

What are the differences between men and women's skin?

The skin of the man has characteristics different from that of the woman. That's why it's so important use specific products for man's skin care. Otherwise, if the products we use are not formulat...

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Crema facial para hombre

How to choose men's face cream?

In this article, we tell you 3 fundamentals when choosing your face cream.

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A partir de que edad debo empezar a usar una crema antiarrugas?

When should I start using an anti-aging cream?

It's a recurring problem as more and more men worry about taking care of our skin and preventing wrinkles. A lot of times, you will ask us how old you started using anti wrinkle cream, because yo...

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Limpiador facial hombre

How to do a correct facial cleansing? (I)

Facial cleansing is essential to keep your skin healthy and looking good. To do this correctly, it is important to keep in mind that the skin has a natural protective layer called the "hydrolipid m...

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Cuidado facial hombre 40 años

Men skin care after 40 years old

One of the questions you often ask us is "how old to start" skin care. The fact is, from our point of view, there is no "age when you have to start taking care of it" because the skin has to take...

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Cosmetica masculina

Three reasons why you should use men's skincare products

It means that if you use a cream with a bad texture called "unisex", but that in the background it is thought of in the skin of the woman, which usually is usually drier than the man's, and therefo...

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Cosmética masculina y cremas para hombres

About skincare for men and men's grooming

Questions and answers about men's cosmetics, men's skin care products, as well as natural cosmetics for men, and everything related to organic cosmetics and creams for men in general.

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Tonico facial para hombre

What is a Facial Revitalizer?

Facial Tonic / Revitalizing Spray / Seboregulator? Just as with eating you bring vitamins to your body, you should also give your skin a revitalizing boost. You can get it very easily with our C...

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Productos cuidado piel hombre

Best male beauty products

Male beauty has been relevant throughout history, from the ancient Greek and Roman civilizations to the present day. Today, approximately half of us men use skin care products, and this number is ...

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Exfoliante facial para hombre

Should I scrub my skin after the summer?

After summer or sun exposure (eye, not immediately after), but after a few days, we will notice that our skin needs a higher degree of hydration. Do you think that as you can be, that your skin wi...

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Cuidado facial hombre piel seca

How to take care of men's dry skin

Our skin is composed of different layers, epidermis, dermis and hypodermis. The first layer in drying is the superior, the epidermis. As soon as we notice the first symptoms of dryness, we must act...

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Consejos cuidado facial hombre

Skin care tips for Men (I)

In this article, we tell you some tips on how to take care of your face easily inside your daily routine. Taking care with masculine cosmetic products had never been so easy. The first thing you h...

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Cosmética para hombre

Is Homo Naturals for everyone?

What does "Homo" mean? The word "Homo" comes from Latin (man) and Greek (equal). Hence the term has been used to describe the different species of human that have existed to this day (Homo Sapien...

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Caracteristicas piel hombre

7 specifics of Men's Skin

The main reason for using specific skincare products for men, is that our skin is different from that of women. Only if you live in an extreme cold climate, some women's moisturizers could be just...

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